
Family Session Details

So you’ve booked your session, now what?

Be Prepared

Let me tell you a little bit about how I run my sessions… the more prepared we are beforehand the more fun your session will be! We’re going to start our session with that picture perfect shot of everyone (hopefully) looking at me and smiling and from there we will go through some different poses but will be playing naturally throughout. I will give you direction, but I really just want you to take the time to enjoy your family and be with them how you naturally are. The only thing you guys have to remember is to BE MAGNETS the whole time… always be touching someone, loving someone and playing with each other. Just enjoy each other… don’t even worry about looking at the camera unless I direct you to! This is hard for some as you naturally want to look and smile when a camera is facing you. But trust me, if you DON’T LOOK AT ME UNLESS I TELL YOU TO, we will capture more authentic moments. This is going to be short time away from everything. How often do you get uninterrupted time with your family with no devices and distractions? Enjoy it! Mom and dad, steal kisses whenever you can, flirt with each other like you did while you were dating! Just play with each other as a family in a way that’s natural to you. Throw your kids up on your backs, shoulders, etc. give lots of tickles! I promise we’ll get a few shots with everyone looking picture perfect, but otherwise I really just want to capture the essence of who you are as a family.


What you wear highly impacts the look and feel of your final photos. I tend to shoot in lots of fields, tall grasses and natural surroundings so try to stick to earthy tones, neutrals and jewel tones as those colors work best with my style of editing. Try not to be too matchy-matchy, rather pick a selection of colors that coordinate well together. My biggest tip is to start with moms outfit and go from there. Even if you are not a dress person, I would encourage you to find a flowy dress that you feel comfortable in. Trust me, long dresses are the most flattering thing moms of any body type can wear for photos! Adding layers and textures is an excellent way to add interest. Fashion hats for mom always look great too. If your child has a favorite toy or beloved blanket, consider bringing that along. It is always nice to bring out at the end of the session for comfort and to capture those sweet memories. I am more than happy to help you with your families wardrobe, so feel free to send photos, links, etc. if you would like my input!

Prepping Your Children

Don’t underestimate the importance of prepping your children beforehand! If you get everyone’s buy-in the session will run smooth like butter. Make sure young children know my name and be sure to talk about me the days leading up to the session so they feel like I’m an old family friend. Check out this blog post I wrote about preparing your children, lots of helpful advice there!


Weather & Cancellations

In the event of inclement weather, we will work together to reschedule your date. Please note, there will only be one backup date and your time slot will remain the same. If someone in your family is showing signs of Covid, please just let me know and we will find a date to reschedule your session. There will be no penalty for last minute cancellations due to sickness.

Image Delivery

Your final images will be delivered via an email link to a beautiful online gallery. You will receive the link about 2 weeks after your session. I will post a sneak peak of each session via social media (Facebook and Instagram) just a few days after your session. Please let me know if you would prefer I didn’t share any photos.

Thanks for taking the time to read through everything, I can’t wait for our session together! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!